Palliative Care Messaging Resources

 Members of the Palliative Care and Quality of Life Interdisciplinary Advisory Council, in partnership with the Maine Hospice Council, authored and helped pass LD 1064, An Act to Advance Palliative Care Utilization in the State. In working to support reimbursement for a palliative care team services model, the need for a statewide awareness of this person-centered model became apparent.

The Maine Hospice Council was delighted to be awarded a contract from the Department of Health and Human Services to provide education and messaging about palliative care for both providers and consumers throughout the state.




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Mon-Fri 8 am – 4 pm or by appointment
Sat/Sun - Closed
State & US Holidays - Closed



Maine Hospice Council

136 State Street, Suite 220, Augusta, ME 04330

P.O. Box 2239, Augusta, ME 04338

(207) 626-0651





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